
Trial Results

Kleur Plus Grape Results

Two table grape cultivars were treated with chemical standard solutions consisting of the following Afrinat program: Standard 1, Standard 2 and Kleur Plus applied in 6, 4 and 2 weeks prior to the harvest date. The colour and size of the berries were assessed prior to treatments.

Both cultivars showed enhanced colouring after treatment with the Afrinat program: Standard 1, Standard 2 and Kleur Plus. The Afrinat program also contributed to increased grape sizes and weight compared to the chemical and untreated controls. These results were reported by an independent party.

Elicitor Results

1st Application 15th July 2014 (A), 2nd application 28th of August (B), 3rd application 30th of September (C), 4th application 12th of November (D) and 5th application 17th January 2015 (E). 


Seagro @ 2L/Ha (ABCDE), Syn-G @ 1L/Ha (ABCD), Elicitor @ 1L/Ha (ABCDE), NatCa @ 2.5Kg/Ha (ABCD)

Beginning of May 2014 – 1,5 hectares Eureka Lemon block with drip irrigation was identified as a demo site. 1st application that was applied @ 30 litres of Afrisolve per hectare (for alleviation of soil compaction, sodium build up and nutrient fixation) via drench method through the drip irrigation.


1st Harvest April 2015 – yield 90 ton per hectare.
2nd Flush July 2015

Commenced cycle of program repeated as above
Broadlands reverted to cycle 1 above only 4 applications 
Broadlands removed the Elicitor from the program (Tree health was excellent

Elicitor Phytophthora Citrus Demo 2020 – 2021 (click for results)

Elicitor Results: Disease Suppression on Grapes